Revita Life Sciences

Hip Osteoarthritis
Indication :
Grade 2 or 3 on the Kellgren-Lawrence scale,3 injections of 7-8 ml LP PRP weekly.
Procedure :
8-10 ml of PRP or biological injected under fluroscpy or ulraound guidance theu antero-lateral approach
Results :
80 % of patients with hip OA experience at least 70% improvement in pain at one year
Delays the need for THA or a hip resurfacing procedure.15 % patients resort to THR by one yr
Mean walking distances improves from baseline of 370 m to 1170 m at 6 months
MRI at one year shows
Reduced subchondral edema in 50%
Maintained articular cartilage thickness in 60%
Increase in articular cartilage thickness in 10%